Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Maverick's beware! Zero lands in Tatsunoko vs Capcom

Well if there ever was a character I was looking forward to in a Capcom fighting game, it was ZERO!

Zero comes from the Capcom Megaman X series and has quite the history usually ending up with him dead or dismembered or some other plot serving device. The character has had some pretty hard times through out his adventures alongside Megaman X but also has proven himself to be quite the capable fighter in the end. I'm actually rather surprised it's taken this long for anyone from the "X" series of Megaman games to make into a Capcom fighter personally. I love the original Megaman but seriously, Vile or Sigma would have made awesome additions to the original Marvel vs Capcom 2. Zero is one of the console exclusive characters that has been announced in recent weeks along with Frank West from Dead rising.

Megaman series character designer Keiji Inafune wanted him to be harder and wilder then Megaman X himself and I'd say he accomplished that for sure, with wild long hair and the energy sword he wields. Zero's character lends himself more to melee combat which I always thought was cool and a nice contract to X's gun arm.

Now that Zero finally has life outside of a Megaman game how will he fare in this new fighter? Pretty well I hope.
It'll be a while before sites like give him a tier ranking in competitive play but I don't imagine, he'll be super high tier but I'd imagine somewhere near the upper half of the middle.

Watching the video and seeing his fighting style, he seems akin to Strider from MvC2 and it's really nice to see some of his signature moves include like his Z sabre and even the rising dragonpunch thing from Megaman X4. I liked how his finisher is a homage to his more recent incarnation with his huge beam sword. It would be cool if his alternate costume is his GBA/DS Zero style.
Megaman Zero Pictures, Images and Photos

I'm really excited to be able to play this character and it'll be fun to be able to experience what comes from the competitve scene with his inclusion.


  1. Very nice, I love your work, keep it up :)

  2. I have very fond memories of slugging my way through Mega man X on the SNES, in fact I would say it is probably one of my favourite games for that console.

    That said my limited experience with the Capcom vs. franchise, marvel vs. capcom for the original playstation, leaves me a bit leery of playing one of these games on the wii.

    The thought of having to replicate the button mashing maddness of that game with a wiimote is enough for me consider it a replacement for my wii fit.

    Great post Mike, very informative.

  3. Well Liam, you can get a fight stick for the wii from Hori or wait till the Mad Catz TE stick comes out later on this year.

    I'm surprised to see the wii get a game like this but let's see what it can do on that system's hardware

  4. very nice and well said!!! , that wii stick, can you tell me more about it?? thanks birdman!!

  5. Hey Allie
    This is the stick I got for the wii

    OR wait for this one
