I'm ready, man, check it out. I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass art! You do NOT wanna fuck with me. Check it out! Hey Ripley, don't worry. Me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you! Check it out! Independently targeting particle beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart missiles, phase-plasma pulse rifles, RPGs, we got sonic electronic ball breakers! We got nukes, we got knives, sharp sticks...
Private Hudson
Guns, I love guns as you know,it's no real secret and sometimes video games give us some seriously awesome weapons of destruction to play with. I've been inspired by Destin's armory on Screwattack and so I decided to do up my own list of weapons of destruction that I feel deserve mention.
So let's lock and load and see what would be in Birdman's armory of awesome of firepower or as I call them toys....
The M41A Pulse Rifle from various Aliens games
If there ever was a gun that I was more thrilled to fire in a game, it was this gun from ALIENS. I am just a huge fan of this design built from a FRANCI SPAS 12 and a Thompson SMG and it screams of a used future that you DO NOT fuck with. The first time I played with this was in the PS1 Aliens trilogy game and then later on in the very cool Aliens vs Predator game for the PC. Every game where I get to play as a marine I play with this gun as my default and even above the Smartgun or the Flame thrower simply because of the SOUND, it makes when it fires. The sound that the Pulse rifle makes is unmistakable and just one that lays waste to xenomorphs wherever they hide.10mm explosive tipped caseless never tasted so good when firing off a full clip!
I am looking really forward to using this in the new AVP game this winter.
RC-P90 from 007:Goldeneye n64
This weapon was so overpowered that it was insane but also one of my absolute favorites in Goldeneye. I remember the first time I got this gun and heard it cycle up to full firing capacity and it literally ripped bad guys to shreds. One of the things that I used to do was use this gun in multi player to shred body armor and spray from cover to lure people into proxy mine traps. This gun is absolutely bad ass in terms of what it can do for your game and can tip the balance of play if used in the right hands. The RC-P90 is one of the guns that I think really defined what a machine gun could do in a game. Seriously Rare created one of the coolest guns ever in a video game and is my favorite weapon of the N64 era.
Using it's spiritual successor in games like Modern Warfare is still satisfying but not as cool as the N64 era gun.
The Laptop gun from Perfect Dark/Zero
Now this is a gun that I found out it's secondary function by accident and never looked back on what it could do for me after that. Perfect Dark introduced alot of really cool weapons but this was one that just stood out to me because it was a strategic weapon if used in sentry mode. Joanna Dark had herself a really excellent weapon when it came to this gun and it deserves mention on this list. This gun also kind of reminds me of the sentry guns used in the director's cut of Aliens :) However I almost put on the PSEC pistols but the Laptop gun was just cooler because it could hide in plain sight. I'm really looking forward to the Xbox Live port next year and it'll be pretty awesome.
The Needler-HALO (all games)
The pink death that is the Needler! There is something tremendously satisfying about sending exploding shards into an enemy and watch him flail helplessly before death. This is one weapon that I thought absolutely sucked at first but as I played more and more matches online I got into it more and more and began to love the pink mist. The thing that I used to love was dual wielding in Halo 2 and leaping down from a ledge and letting it all go flying into one target. I think the Needler gets a bad rap because I haven't seen it used too much online but then again I don't play much online due to the 11-teen year olds.
The Lancer from Gears of War 1/2
So someone got a brilliant idea and crossed a machine run with a chainsaw...and it kicked ass! I've been playing GoW for a few years now and I never get over just how cool it is and love chainsawing Locust in half. The COG forces certainly armed themselves with one of the most memorable weapons in video game history and there is even a prop replica of it available for sale. The reason this makes my list is become it can be multi functional such as busting open doors and other areas but pumping people full of lead and then dismembering them.
Well guys, these are some of my fav video game weapons but I'd love to hear some of your pics for weapons and why they are.
Anyway, next blog post will be after Christmas so until then, have a happy holiday and most of all make sure you have a safe holiday
Live free or die hard guys!
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