Saturday, November 14, 2009

Gamer p0rn? Yes, It exists

Actress Ann Angel pictured above

"If it can be imagined, there is already porn based on it."

So finally I can write about porn and video games and how oddly connected they are in a weird way and get marked on it.
It's been a weird trend that has been around for a while and the earliest memory I have of it was an interview with adult actress Asia Carrea. I remember reading her blog back in 2000 or something and reading that she was a competitive Unreal tournament player and was actually quite good at it. There has always been a stigma around girls and gaming and it's quite undeserved for the most part, as I've met some MLG level gamer girls and well they rule but who would have thought they would be a connection between porn stars and video games...well not me for the longest time.
Still it would been cool to face Asia in a game of UT just to hear


A recent picture from a Counterstrike competition
Strippers & Counterstike for the full story

She even made her own set of custom skins for UT which I thought was pretty cool.Check here for it,yes it's safe for work
Don't know if they work with current versions of UT but if your feeling retro, give it a look

The past few years alot has changed on the digital frontier in terms of girl gamers and now oddly enough porn.One of the strangest things to come along and yet so simple I'm surprised no one thought of it sooner was "World of Whorecraft" series of movies and then well the whole lid seemed to get blown off the thing and well, now you see alot of Gamer porn which is kinda funny and just plain weird. Sometimes being a gamer and a porn actress isn't all it's cracked up to be because if someone puts 2 and 2 can get you in trouble
Porn actress kicked out of Warcraft

However "World of Whorecraft" was NOT the first gamer porn to be mainstream infact, I can trace it back to the 90's thanks to Youtube and this funny as hell Youtube clip which kinda gives you an idea on how truly stupid this is and yes since it's Youtube, it's work safe but I wouldn't recommend watching it there.

Yes...Ron Jeremy as the immortal words of my generation

It's a weird world out there on the Internet but stuff like this is becoming more and more mainstream and some more mainstream games are being parodied like Valve's Left 4 Dead and I imagine it's only a matter of time before Halo or Gears of war gets the porn makeover.

1 comment:

  1. Rule 34, the subject of your anonymous quote, is both the most disturbing and most hilarious thing on the internet. Why is it we feel the need to turn everything into porn?
